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Feb 12, 1976

Dear Judith

Welcome to the Feminist Studio Workshop. Sheila passed your check along to me as I am handling the accounts now.

I'm pleased you will be coming to L.A. to contribute to our community. You'll undoubtedly find it one of the most exciting and rewarding things you've ever done for yourself. I got "hooked" several years ago in the Feminist Art Program in Fresno with Judy Chicago, and after coming to Cal Arts where I was a T.A. for Sheila, have simply stayed to become an educator myself. I can't imagine how my life might have been had I continued with the path I had set up for myself in Fresno. Coming into and developing feminist educational methods has been the most changeful and radically rewarding activity in my life.

And that is frequently what happens...this kind of work and community make so much sense most women find the course of their lives changing and continuing with the work and development begun here...whether it takes place here in LA or continues in other parts of the country. This is part of the design of the education...women find who they are, what and how they want to say it, and becomes, in this sense, teachers themselves. Sheila may have told you we even have a teacher training program which makes this process much more explicit.

You'll find much stimulation here, from women in the community, from the newly arriving students like yourslef, and from frequent visitors who come to the building to speak and work with us...tonight, for instance, Jill Johnston will be coming to the Workshop to speak privately with us before she delivers andiscussion open to the public. 

Once again, welcome, and I'll meet you in the fall. By all means, bring your friend! If you have any further questions, please feel free to write either myself or Sheila.

In sisterhood,
Suzanne Lacy
performance art