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WEEK 1 January 6-12

January 6, Monday:
1) Group meeting and formation of small CR (conscious raising) groups
    Carole Fisher

a.m. 2) Instruction in CR
3) Discussion of workshop, expectations, etc.

& p.m. 4) Establish journal project
5) Questions and open discussion
6) Set up studio

evening 7) Art faculty dinner

January 7, Tuesday:
a.m. 1) CR groups—theme for week—Feelings Towards Mothers Groups meet Judy and Carole
p.m. 2) Art Workshop-Images of Mothers
evening 3) PUBLIC SESSION:  Judy discusses work in her exhibit at St. Catherines art department gallery

January 8, Wednesday:
a.m. 1) CR sessions—Feelings Towards Fathers
2) Journal—write/discuss
3) Reading
p.m. 4) Art Workshop—Images of Fathers

January 9, Thursday:
a.m. 1) CR-Feelings Toward Church
p.m. 2) Art Workshop-Images of Self in Relation to Church
evening 3) PUBLIC SESSION: lecture/discussion, Feminist Art Education, Part I (Judy Chicago)

January 10, Friday:
a.m. 1) CR groups meet alone
2) Small group discussion of Mary McCarthy's Memories of a Catholic Girlhood
p.m. 3) Open time—secure supplies, reading, journal writing

January 11 & 12, Saturday & Sunday:
1) Group project using images made during week and writing in journal on subject matter of the week

White paper (butcher paper on rolls) to be wrapped around studio walls. Start by cutting out and collaging images made during week on theme of relation to Mother/Father/Church, grouping images by looking for commodity, then adding writing, more images, painting, drawing, collaging—using any materials until entire wall space is filled in both rooms

WEEK 2 January 13—19 THEME—SELF—IMAGES & IMAGES OF WOMEN (Carole Fisher & Arlene Raven)

January 13, Monday:
a.m. 1) Group meeting with Arlene Raven—look at mural and do critique
p.m. 2) Discuss meanings of images and how they relate to larger issues

January 14, Tuesday:
a.m. 1) CR groups—How I See Myself
p.m. 2) Art Workshops—Self-Images (Carole Fisher)
evening 3) PUBLIC SESSION: Artist and Women—Self-image Split, lecture (Arlene Raven)

January 15, Wednesday:
a.m. 1) CR groups meet and read journals aloud
p.m. 2) Group discussion of Anais Nin's First Diary in relation to student's journals and women's autobiographical writings in general

January 16, Thursday:
a.m. 1) CR groups—How I See Other Women
p.m. 2) Art Workshop—Self-images
evening 3) PUBLIC SESSION: Feminist Art Education, Part II—A Context Approach to the History of Art:  Feminist Perspectives on Major Art Historical Themes

January 17, Friday:
a.m. 1) Images of Women (Arlene Raven) Group discussion with slides, closed session

January 18 & 19, Saturday and Sunday:
1) Individual project—Self-image and Images of Women, any media

WEEK 3 January 20—26 THEME—ON BEING ANGRY (Coordinated by Carole Fisher utilizing resources of area women)

January 20, Monday: 
a.m. 1) Critique of weekend projects (Carole Fisher) 
2-4:00 2) Circle of the Witch-Feminist Theatre Workshop 
8:00 3) PUBLIC SESSION: Circle of the Witch Singers-feminist and political songs/discussion

January 21, Tuesday: 
a.m. 1) Sisterhood is powerful-discussions in small groups 
3:00 2) Women Poets of the Twin Cities (Patricia Hampl and Phoebe Hanson) Meet with and discuss their work with students 

January 22, Wednesday: 
a.m. 1) CR-On Being Angry 
p.m. 2) Open project-trying to bring feelings expressed in morning into images in afternoon, any media 

January 23, Thursday: 
a.m. 1) CR groups-How I Feel About Being Independent 
p.m. 2) Open project-trying to deal with feelings expressed in morning, any media 
evening 3) PUBLIC SESSION-Films by and for women including Twin Cities Women's Film Collective 

January 24, Friday: 
a.m. 1) Small group discussion-A Room of One's Own 
p.m. 2) Group meeting-selected journal readings 
evening 8:00 3) PUBLIC SESSION: Women Poets of the Twin Cities-Jenne Andrews, Jill Haldeman, Marisha Chamberlain, Bea Williams 

January 25 & 26, Saturday & Sunday: 
1-5:00 each day 1) PUBLIC SESSION: Weekend slide marathon, women only, area women to show slides, films and video tape 

WEEK 4 January 27-30 THEME-SELF-DOCUMENTATION (Arlene Raven, Ruth Skin, Carole Fisher) 

January 27, Monday: 
a.m. 1) Self-documentation workshop, (two closed sessions, two sections), workshop and discussion about professional means for a representation of yourself and your art. Appropriate contacts with galleries and museums, means for documentation of your work, photographs, slides, resumes, etc. Slides or other documentation of your work must be brought to this session 

p.m. 2) Summary of the Feminist Art Workshop at St. Catherine and plans for the future 

evening 3) PUBLIC SESSION: Self-images of Women Artists from the Renaissance to the 20th Century, lecture/slide presentation by Ruth Iskin 

January 28, Tuesday: 
a.m. 1) Marathon slide showing and discussion of Women's Art History 

evening 2) PUBLIC SESSION: Panel discussion, "Women in Art History Today" Members: Arlene Raven, Eileen Michels, Kathryn C. Johnson, Ruth Iskin 

January 29, Wednesday: 
a.m. & p.m. 1) CLOSED SESSIONS: All day critique of work, summary and discussion of workshop 

January 30, Thursday: 
a.m. 1) Set up work, journals, products of workshop 
2) Group lunch 

p.m. 1:00 3) Open reception-women in workshop to be hostesses, answer questions, etc. 

Required reading (will be discussed in order given) 

Memories of a Catholic Girlhood, Mary McCarthy 
First Diary, Anais Nin 
Sisterhood is Powerful, Robin Morgan 
A Room of One's Own, Virginia Wolf 

Related reading (should be read before start of program) 

Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing 
Century of Struggle, Eleanor Flexner 
5 Centuries of Women Artists, Eleanor Tufts 
Art & Sexual Politics, Linda Nochlin, Thomas Hess