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Mariana Alcoforado
Alice Constance Austin
Harriet & Catherine Beecher
Aphra Behn
Emily & Charlotte Bronte
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Mary Cassatt
Kate Chopin
Inez de la Cruz
Artemisa Gentileschi
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Eileen Gray
Sor Juana
Frieda Kahlo
Angelica Kauffmann
Marjery Kempe
Gabriela Mistral
Charlotte Perriand
Sojourner Truth
Virginia Woolfe

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Feminist Studio Workshop
the Woman's Building 
743 South Grandview
Los Angeles
California 90057

April 15, 1975

Dear Sisters,

If you could speak with these women
if there had not been years of silence and isolation,
if women had not been confirmed within the patriarchal house,
if women had had public voices,
if women had been educated,
if we had had access to each other would our lives be different?

We are writing to you because we have created an educational program for women appropriate to our contemporary experience and which breaks the traditional and continuing isolation and silence imposed on women. The Feminist Studio Workshop, housed in the Woman's Building, provides a community in which women artists, designers, writers, performers and educators can discover their own voices, images and directions through the perspective of woman's history and culture.

We ask you to look at these materials carefully and to respond immediately. The Feminist Studio Workshop has expanded its programs to focus on feminist education and incorporate verbal communication - woman's words. In order to strengthen our public voice we have enlarged our printing and graphics facility. The Feminist Studio Workshop begins October 15, 1975. Tuition is $1,200. If you register by July 15, sending your $100 deposit, your tution will be $1,000.

Join us in the creation of the community of learned women Virginia Woolfe believed was possible. Not the daughters of educated men but the educated women themselves controlling their private and professional lives according to their values, sensibility and womanity.

In sisterhood,

Helen Alm
Sheila Levrant de Bretteville
Ruth Iskin
Suzanne Lacey
Deena Metzger
Arlene Raven