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"The difference between talking to a mixed art school class and one made up soley of women has to be experienced to be believed but there sure as hell is a difference in the way women open up, become smart and imaginative and assertive - and better artists. Those who denounce such situations as "separatist" should get a glimpse of the sense of purpose and relaxed exhilaration at the Woman's Building. There, everything seems possible, including a non-separatist future."
Lucy Lippard

February 8 - I am writing some poems and I think they are pretty good. Diane asked me if I wanted critique on one of them Thursday night and I casually said yes. I am terrified! I've been printing them on the letter press. Using the press gives me a feeling of being capable. I can do it. I've learned how to make half-tones and may start working on a poster idea I've had for a while. There is so much to do.

March 23 - A couple of people have suggested that I send my poem out and try to get it published. It's nice going to people's homes and seeing their printed poems hanging on walls. I remember the first batch I printed didn't have my name on them. That was pretty funny. Arlene mentioned it and I got embarassed, and now I know why I did'nt. I met a woman the other day and she asked my name twice and then said, "I saw your poem and I loved it." I was embarassed and thought "What does she know about me?" Then she asked "Do you have any other work? I'd like to see it."

"When a woman artist positively identifies he herself to us through her work, she commits a courageous and daring act of self-exposure, because her contribution has neither spoken to nor been understood by the mainstream of culture, and the content of her art has been bypassed by interpretations which could not reveal it."
Arlene Raven

April 3 - I was asked to be the teacher's assistant for the Summer Video Program. I am thrilled. Two women are coming from Chicago to teach a six week intensive, three days a week. My graphics class is going so well that I feel torn between graphics and video. I got my screen ready to print today. We looked at different inks and I think I'll go with blue. I was so frustrated trying to cut the design out. It was Sunday afternoon. Helen came in and I asked her to help. I was doing it all wrong, started crying, felt like changing the whole thing to make it easier. Finally, with determination and a lesson in how to cut, I got it done. Helen was printing the Extension Catalogue when I left. She wants me to learn how to use the offset press. It would take a lot of time and would be a great skill to have. But, if I do the Summer Video Program I won't have time to train.