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It seems a million options have opened up for me, there are so many things I can do.

   Behind us lies the patriarchal system; the private house, with its nullity; its immorality, its hypocrisy, its servility. Before us lies the public word, the professional system, with its pugnacity, its greed...The question we put to you is how can we enter the professions and yet remain civilized human beings.
                   Virginia Woolf

May 2 - The workshop is nearly over. Today in community meeting we heard people's plans, women were were not returning and second year students were are graduating. It was sad and exciting. Sheila and I showed a video tape of things we edited out of the construction tape...the candid moments, the bloopers, the funny expressions. We talked about community, staying together, working together, we planned a feminist retirement home. I thought about how crazy it must seem to the world, the mainstream, these women and our school, our women's culture that is still growing and not defined. A woman who values herself and other women is not a "normal" thing; a woman who values work and is aggressive is not "normal." There is incredible optimism in this community, and intelligence and risk taking. We are not anonymous.

May 17 - the graduation part at Deena's. Swimming and singing and stories, culminating in a feminist diving competition. Each dive was judged on content, form, and ability to transform culture. I am sunburned, elated, full. The bagels were delicious.

     The Feminist Studio Workshop begins its seventh year this October 4th. The staff, programs and administration continue to evolve as we grow, define and evaluate the functions of a feminist educational center. The FSW curriculum has brocaded, as our concept of feminist art has, to include administrative and organizational arts.

    An international landmark as a center for feminist education and women's culture, our community broadens through the activities of Building founded organizations like Feminist Art Workers, the Lesbian Art Project, Ariadne: A Social Art Network, and the Los Angeles Women's Video Center. The Extension Program, Summer Art Program and Feminist Educators Workshop at the Woman's Building allow women with different time and financial needs to participate in feminist education.

     "We can and must define female reality
   for ourselves and develop what we as women
    want to be"
              Charlotte Bunch