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FSW/Ext. scheduele for 1978-1979:
December 3- end of fall term
December 10- FSW Open House- held in FSW Room
December 21,22,28 and 29 FSW on holiday vacation- FSW Room not in use
January 8 -Winter trem of Ext. beings, FSW re convienes 
Febuary 4 - FSW Room reserved 10-4 p.m. for Jackie Apple
March 4 - Ext.'s Winter Quarter ends
March 5 - Ext.'s Spring Quarter begins
April 9-13 - Ext. and FSW on vacation
May 5 - Ext. Spring Quarter ends
May 19 - SAP Open House- FSW Room
May 26 - FSW Show opens, runs for a month, 2nd floor - possibly 3rd floor on opening night
June 16 - SAP Open House- FSW Room
July 2 - Summer Ext. Begins
Juky 2 - SAP begins
August 22- Sap Opening night, 2nd floor for 3 days , 3rd floor evening of aug. 22
August 24 - SAP ends
August 26 - Ext. Summer Term ends
August 26 or September 9 - FSW Open House- FSW Room
September 24 - FSW Orientation