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than you've ever been in your life. The FSW program is packed with classes, projects, apprenticeships and events for you  to be involved in. You'll need an appointment book. Keeping track of your schedule is a challenge in itself.

Two days  a week you'll meet with faculty and students. You'll have your own consciousness raising (CR)  group, which meets during this time, to examine and explore issues like authority, money, sexuality, racism, sexism.  CR is a time for self-examination, for building community in the FSW and developing feminist perspectives   for your life and work.  And it is the source of lots of "raw" material for creative work.

During these days, there are also community meetings, critiques and classes at "the Building". Community meetings are a time to share with everyone, to discuss issues and make plans, to laugh and sing and celebrate.  In "crit groups", faculty and students critique work, giving you the opportunity to learn the "fine art" of "supportive criticism". They are stomach-clenching, spine-tingling and wonderfully productive.

In the afternoon, classes, workshops and presentations are offered. You can focus in one area or learn a multitude os skills. For examplw, the visual arts program is extensive and taught by women who are currently working visual artists. Another area to focus in is media. The LA Women's Video Center offers apprenticeships in video tape production to FSW students. Write a book in the Women Writers Program and publish it [[strikethrough]]with[[/strikethrough]]using the skills you learn in graphics.