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You can even organize women on a national level with Women Against Violence Against Women. Or stock up on survival skills in workshops on self defense, resume writing, health, auto mechanics. 

"The difference between talking to a mixed art school class and one made up solely of women has to be experienced to be believed, but there sure as hell is a difference in the way women open up, become smart and imaginative and assertive - and better artists. Those who denounce such situations as "separatists" should get a glimpse of the sense of purpose and relaxed exhilaration at the Woman's Building. There, everything seems possible - including a nonseparatist future."

                         Lucy Lippard, Art in America

Everything is possible. Training and experience at the Woman's Building will
will give you enough skills to conceptualize, finance and produce any project. For example, the LA Women's Video Center, Women Against Violence Against Women and Feminist Art Workers are projects initiated by FSW graduates. All are successful in reaching and affecting the public. Through media. Through political organizing and action. Through performance art. There's room for you to use the training and information you get to start your own project. To communicate what is important to you in a form that is effective and has impact. 

"The warmth of 40 women sharing work, ideas, life experiences, and support made me feel I was not the only woman who wanted to do something different with my life." 

                   Donna Farnsworth, FSW Student, 1976


.....on the corner of Spring and Aurora, the Woman's Building is the heart of a large women's community. Hundreds of women participate in its various educational programs. These women want to express themselves, 