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space is available and the downtown area is currently flourishing with inexpensive spaces. Or you can live at the beach. It's only 30 minutes away, but rents are higher and housing not as available. Wherever you live, a car is recommended since public transportation is limited and difficult (It's not impossible and rumored improving.) The job market in LA is tight, but most women are able to find jobs that allow them to participate in the FSW.
* May 1979

Women have come to the FSW from Europe, Canada and Mexico. It can be a complicated procedure to move here from another country. A staff person from the Woman's Building is qualified to assist you in making the move.

Bachelor and Master degrees are available to women in the FSW. While we are not accredited we are affiliated with Goddard and Antioch Colleges. You have to enroll in the college degree program and make a study plan agreement with the FSW and college for the fulfillment of degree requirements. Many women have received degrees through this program and some have made similar arrangements with other colleges.

Tuition for the Feminist Studio Workshop is $1500 a year. Scholarships for disadvantaged, minority and disabled women, as well as ex-offenders and ex-drug users are available through the New Moves Scholarship Program. New Moves is made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
