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break out of what inhibits acceptance and free expression of the self that is the wellspring of all creative endeavors.
   One student, Donna Farnsworth, speaks for many when she says, "The warmth of 40 women sharing work, life experiences, ideas and support made me feel I was not the only woman who wanted to do something different with my life."
   Along with Core Process, each woman chooses to worn in one or more of the Feminist Studio Workshop Project areas each term. These classes, workshops, or apprenticeships are also available through the Extension Program at the Woman's Building to women who may not wish to pursue the full Workshop program.
   The Visual Arts Project stresses a basic approach to the visual expression of ideas using various materials and techniques. Encouraged is the discovery of personal forms that may cut across many traditional ones. Last year, Kate Millett's sculpture exhibit, "Naked Ladies," provided Workshop students a chance to work on a large project. Apprenticeships of this nature are an exciting possibility because many women artists have studios in Los Angeles.
   The Women Writers Program teaches all aspects of the writing process beginning with self-definition as a writer. Also, women are encouraged to learn how to design their own books as well as write them. Readings and special workshops given by well known women writers are also featured at the Woman's Building.
   The Women's Graphic Center emphasizes a study of design and how it relates to the values, goals and purposes of printed material. The Center's facilities are available to women who wish to get their work to a broader public and many women have taken this opportunity to merge craft and skill.