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The goal of the program is to honor and make known the work and sensibility of women writers in order that the aspirations of all women be discovered and given voice. It provides an opportunity for women to explore, discover and create women's culture, a community of ideas and shared experiences and through writing to communicate the different experiences of women known and unknown who come from different cultures, geographies, visions and to cross barriers of race, culture, class, age and educational opportunity. 

The program gives particular attention to non-traditional forms and audiences, utilizing radio and television broadcasts of readings and performances to present women's culture to a broad range of people. The program intends to develop the woman as well as the skill focusing on emotional, artistic and intellectual growth. Real attention is given to building community and to continue support programs which relate writing and artmaking to healing. 

Plans for the future include a series of theatre performances of women's work to take place in 1979 through an alliance with Artists in Prison and Other Places. The Women Writers' Series will continue in 1978-1979 and expand to include Women Writers in Residence which will give the Los Angeles writing community an opportunity to work extensively with well-known women writers. Coordination with the graphics program has already begun and will continue to give women opportunities to learn to print their own work.