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[[underlined]] JOB [[/underlined]] First years projected budget
Second years projected budget (200 students)

4. [[underlined]] Faculty [[/underlined]]
One year contract
[[underlined]] JOB [[/underlined]] Needed in writing from each program:
Program description (one page, double spaced)
Description for Fall Extension classes from your program (due ....)
Brief outline of other projected extension classes for remainder of year
Plans for special programs or training programs from your program
Outline your recruitment plans for the fall (ideas for future recruitment?)
Outline the grants your program is applying for
What are ideas for the workshops you plan to do for the FSW core process

5. Suggestion for long term planning of program: 4 year program
1st year: All FSW educational process, no involvment with programs
2nd year: 3 consecutive internship programs, is three months in each of three areas
3rd year: year long focus on one project area, working collaboraatively on group project
4th year: Creation of students own project, with workers assisting from 2nd and 3rd years.

Questions: where does feminist education fit in?
what form of "degree" or certificate could we award?
where does apprenticeship program with outside women fit in?
what is relationship to collaborative work and individual work?
what is relationship (ie work) to Building?