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writers, secret diarists and historians of their own life, we are determined to make public the riches and values of woman's writing.

Additionally the FSW is conscientiously developing the forms and methods of feminist education and providing teacher training experiences for women of the workshop so that they can develop other institutions according to these principles. Every member of the FSW is an active contributor to research in feminist education and woman's sensibility, culture and act. We are committed to making the public world responsive to the knowledge which derives from woman's experience.

The Feminist Studio Workshop was founded as a non-profit corporation in 1973 by Judy Chicago, Sheila de Bretteville and Arlene Raven. Deena Metzer is organizer of the WRITING PROGRAM.

The WRITING PROGRAM is scheduled to begin September 1975.

A degree program, B.A. or M.A. is available through International Community College, 1019 Gayley, West Los Angeles, California 90024.

For further information write:

Deena Metzger, Co-ordinator
Feminist Studio Workshop
The Woman's Building
743 S. Grandview
Los Angeles California 90057

Who shall say that even "the novel" the most pliable of all forms is rightly shaped for woman's use? No doubt we shall find her knocking that into shape for herself when she has the free use of her limbs; and providing some new vehicle for the poetry in her.

The poet who never wrote a word and was buried at the crossroads still lives. She lives in you and in me, and in many other women who are not here tonight, for they are washing up the dishes and putting the children to bed. But she lives; for great poets do not die; they are continuing presences; they need only the opportunity to walk among us in the flesh.

Virginia Woolf