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you can wait til we get our portfolio together and get info from that.

The archives contains posters/brochures done here. Very rough estimates could be gotten together for that I guess if you pick out a few that you like. But, as I say, it would be irrelevant soon.

Also, Sheila is good on the design, but her ideas usually translate into BIG $. Never trust an estimate on cost from her. It's not her strong suit.

Kirby -
I'd love to be able to assist, but what you're asking represents several hours worth of work, which I can't afford to do at the moment. Also, prices go up constantly in the graphics/printing/paper industries. They'd be out of date in 5 months. Also there are so many variables - You have no idea.

What I can do is sit down with you in an hour meeting and tell you what I know. Or-