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August 31, 1976

Ms. Ruth Iskin
Extension Program
The Woman's Building
1727 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, Calif. 90012

Dear Ms. Iskin: 

We take the opportunity to thank you for your very fine ads; three insertions: one which ran June - October inclusive, two which ran in June only!

We hope you have gotten very good responses from each ad and wish you continued success and good luck. 

You will find enclosed: "Tear Sheets" for the October insertion, which is the final in this series. 

We welcome you to the October pages and hope you will advertise with us again, very soon. 

Please know that we appreciate all of your support, cooperation and interest. 


Esther Wilson
Esther Wilson
Classified Ad Person

Invoice #2525(Oct. '76)
"Tear Sheets"
New 1977 Rates

370 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10017
212 • 725 • 2666