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April 16, 1973

Dear Mother,

The weather is at last turning sunny and warmer. It was beautiful yesterday. For the first time Dean and I took a walk to "Lindsay's park" on the East River yesterday afternoon and a sit in the sun watching the river boats and people, a very pleasant excursion. The magnolia and forsythia are out in the grounds around the mayor's mansion and the gulls are very busy on the river.

The rent control maximum was sent to us last week and it amounts to a reduction of over $30 in what we have been paying, retroactive to January. I always thought we were paying too much rent for the apartment.

As far as the moving goes, it is simply that the new owner wants to take over several of the back apartments, possibly for relatives, and put the people into front apartments (which are noisier, but have better light for growing plants, have somewhat smaller bedrooms and larger living rooms.). It has nothing to do with Dean. Hopefully, it will not be necessary for some time, as the owner waited for people to[[handwritten separation line]]move out of front apartments.

I am sorry to hear about Mrs. Winn, but very likely the surgery will turn out to be successful, don't you think?

Five my best regards to Dolores when she calls, and I hope Nick will have recovered from his cuts soon.

There is no other news at the moment. I have gotten good advice on finding another job and shall devotee much of this and succeeding weeks to implementing it.
