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31  Jan. 1973 

Dear Doris: 

Not much to write about here. I come to the Museum daily and work on my Colaspis, have lunch with Elsie usually, and go home in the middle of the afternoon before the night rush. Have to pay 55 cents in F.M., 15% off for the elderly between 9.30 and 3. I am having a lot of correspondence wit hthe British Museum people,- I send them specimens to name up from their Biologia material, and they send me beetles too. I wish I could spend a week in London and Paris, it would help a lot to see what I want. If I can only get these Centeral American species cleared up, so that we over here know what they are, I'll be doing a good job. Noone has been able to name them up here as all the types are in Europe. There is one species that is a pest to bananas in Colombia and Panama that has been wrongly identified as C. hypochlora for years that is undescribed. And I will have to write that up separately as the United Fruit people went it named. 

I hope all is going well with you. There is no great fault with a job not taking all your energy and time, better hold on to it till you are sure of getting a better one. Especially as you are the only support of the family at present. 

In Time recently there was an article on too much coffee crinkling being the cause of heart trouble. Did you see it? They wrote that more than 5 cups daily was deleterious to health. Can't you switch to Sanka if you have to drink it at all? Milk is a lot better for you. I don't believe in any stimulation, coffee, alcohol or drugs. Take care of your physical health and don't get run down. 

With love,