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16 Jan. 1973

Dear Doris: 

I think there must be some great congestion of the mail, for it was only yesterday that the little radio came to me, and you mailed it the 30th of Dec. and yesterday was the 15 of Jan. I had given it up for lost. I brought it in this morning and Dr. Zug showed me how to use it, so I am again with a radio, my old ones gave out a couple of years ago. Many thanks. I sent you a xeroxed copy of the Turtle Story the 3rd of Jan. I hope that will finally get to you. My income tax forms for Federal and State have not come either, and some people have gotten them. I think it is all part of this delay in mail. 

Yesterday the Metro took over the bus lines including the Virginia ones. And for elderly people there is a reduction of 15¢ if not in rush hours. So I shant have to pay quite so much, and they promise that later fares will be reduced for everyone. They have to do this in order for any one to ride. When I go home afternoons around 3, there are only 3 or 4 people riding and mornings most people drive themselves, causing a great congestion of traffic everywhere. If the buses didn't charge so much more people would leave their cars at home. It is a vicious circle at present, the higher fares go, the fewer people ride.

Dolores came over Sunday with Nick and their youngest child. She said that she was so used up with arthritis around Christmas time that it was hard for her to do anything, she was so slow, and she couldn't get the meals and then over to her mother's till late and left no time to see you, and she regretted it. Her hand is all swollen up and very painful, and her feet hurt her too. I have gotten Elsie's prescription that her specialist gave her, which helps her, and I must call up Dolores and tell her the name of the drug. The little girl was very cute, she is brighter than the others and seems better all around. She is going to kindergarten now and really appears advanced for her age. 

I must get to work now -- have a lot of West Indian things to name up for the "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations" from the West Indies. There are some new things among them that eventually I can get a paper out about. 

With love, 

Transcription Notes:
16 Jan. 1973 Dear Doris: I think there must be some great congestion of the mail, for it was only yesterday that the little radio came to me, and you mailed it the 30th of Dec. and yesterday was the 15 of Jan. I had given it up for lost. I brought it in this morning and Dr. Zug showed me how to use it, so I am again with a radio, my old ones gave out a couple of years ago. Many thanks. I sent you a xeroxed copy of the Turtle Story the 3rd of Jan. I hope that will finally get to you. My income tax forms for Federal and State have not come either, and some people have gotten them. I think it is all part of this delay in mail. Yesterday the Metro took over the bus lines including the Virginia ones. And for elderly people there is a reduction of 15¢ if not in rush hours. So I shant have to pay quite so much, and they promise that later fares will be reduced for everyone. They have to do this in order for any one to ride. When I go home afternoons around 3, there are only 3 or 4 people riding and mornings most people drive themselves, causing a great congestion of traffic everywhere. If the buses didn't charge so much more people would leave their cars at home. It is a vicious circle at present, the higher fares go, the fewer people ride. Dolores came over Sunday with Nick and their youngest child. She said that she was so used up with arthritis around Christmas time that it was hard for her to do anything, she was so slow, and she couldn't get the meals and then over to her mother's till late and left no time to see you, and she regretted it. Her hand is all swollen up and very painful, and her feet hurt her too. I have gotten Elsie's prescription that her specialist gave her, which helps her, and I must call up Dolores and tell her the name of the drug. The little girl was very cute, she is brighter than the others and seems better all around. She is going to kindergarten now and really appears advanced for her age. I must get to work now -- have a lot of West Indian things to name up for the "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations" from the West Indies. There are some new things among them that eventually I can get a paper out about. With love,