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January 4, 1973

Dear Mother,

I'm on my lunch hour at work, and it so much easier to type than write....

It is warm and rainy here in New York. After two long weekends I am glad to be back at work and in the psychiatric program at night. Dean has gotten out and started working himself lately, taking temporary typing jobs until he finds permanent work with one of the agencies I used to work for; this is a welcome addition to the income, which I didn't even suggest: he took a call from the agency and volunteered himself to go in place of me one day last week.

I spend as much free time as I have studying the field of marketing and related research in the journals and other publications. I've also brought my shorthand book into the office and I get a practice dictation almost every day from the personnel manager. My boss is not very demanding, so I find quite a bit of time for this sort of activity.

I sent you a birthday gift last Saturday and hope that it arrives in good shape. I have felt like giving one of these objects to you for a long time. They are very handy, and the part lasts about a month, as I say in an enclosed note. 

There's not too much else to report on. Dean sends you his best regards. 

