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6 July 1972

Dear Doris:

            I hope you had a pleasant birthday. Did my letter with check arrive in time for your birthday? I trust that you are sleeping better now and your toothache is all gone. I haven't been sleeping too well either, but last night I slept 10 hours, and feel better. I went down to have my blood pressure and taken yesterday and it is up again, - too much work and I must let up and go home early and get a nap. The garden has been absorbing my attention, needing hoeing because the weeds grow so fastthis rainy weather.

            To-day the sun is shining spasmodically; but I didn't dare come off without a raincoat. It is so cold that I won't go swimming even if the sun does shine.

            Dr. Cuadracasus, the Colombia botanist here, called me up to ask if I would stop around at his office. He wanted to show me his latest publication, a fat volume on the Compositae of Colombia, and in it he had named a new genus Blakiella after Dad. He had written some very nice words about Dad too, - it was all in Spanish but I puzzled it out. He originally came from Spain, but was all in Spanish but I puzzled it out. He originally came from Spain, but has lived in Colombia and collected there for many years and has been living in Washington for 15 years and working at the U.S.N.M. as an Associated(not getting any salary). I have always liked him, he is a pleasant little man, very gentle.   I am going to give him my paper in which I named a new fleabeetle after Dad, - there are so many Blake versions that I called mine Sidfaya, which with my name after it Blake will spell out his name. Siderous in Greek is Iron and Fayo is Shining.

               Nos I must get back to work on my Colaspis.
                             With love,