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U.S.N.M Wash.D.C.
25 May 1972

Dear Doris:

Things are moving along and me with them. The entomologists are are upset with the proposals of some of the group to move to Beltsville, with the collections. The people from Agriculture who compose about half would be the ones to go, and most of them hate the thoughts of going. It would mean breaking up the collections and moving the old cases that are about ready to fall apart from the former move to Lamont St. It would mean many more complications. Jim Peters says they ought not to be allowed to take the specimens out of the Museum, it is Museum property and should stay herem[[overtype]],[[/overtype]] and he is ready to get the heads of other departments to combine and prohibit it. Kingsolver has just been in talking about it, - he is on the Agriculture staff.

I have just been up getting my reservations and also tickets for going up to New England. I got tickets for [[strikethrough]]May[[/strikethrough]] June 2 - 8th, and hope by then the weather will be warm enough to live in the old barn comfortably.It is still east windy weather, with heavy cold mist this morning, but is clearing. If it will only remain rainless another 2 days I may get my garden harrowed. I have bought tomato plants that are sitting out on the back piazza and growing out of their containers. Mr. Payne has promised he will come over and do it as soon as the ground is dry enough. So maybe I will spend my weekend planting the garden. I hope you have some little outing if the weather is nice up there. Have you had any inklings yet from your application?

Poor Alma Bean is on the critical list. I don't think she will ever come home. Sara Cole who lives with her has kept me informed for I dare not call Alma, she is too weak to answer the phone even in her bed. She hasn't been out of bed for some weeks now. One after another my friends departs and it is hard to get anyone to take their places. 

George Vogt leaves soon  for 2 years in Mississippi -- his is another of my old friends, and I shall miss him. They are getting up a lunch for him and a little parting present, but it will be while I am gone. But George has promised he will se me after I come back. 

Now I must get to work. Do write and tell me how things are with you and if you still have the Ecuadoran with you and if you have heard anything from your application. I hope it goes through. 

With love,

Transcription Notes:
In the first paragraph where she types "herem" a comma has been typed over the m. I tried to indicate the m was overtyped by the comma. Only the M and a in May was struck through in May in the second paragraph.