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Tuesday, afternoon, March 27th 
Afternoon. No session; to enable the members to attend the sessions of the American Association of Dental Schools, where all will be welcome. 

Visit to the National Bureau of Standards. Exact hour to be announced during the session on Monday evening. 

Dinner (informal): 6-8 o'clock; North Room. Members and guests; ladies included. 

Leuman M. Waugh (New York). Nutrition and health of the Labrador Eskimo, with special reference to the mouth and teeth (40 minutes). 

4. Evening: North Room–immediately after adjournment of the session of the American Association of Dental Schools, where the members of the Research Association will be welcome. Papers on the appended program, which for lack of time, may not be presented, will be "ready by title" and abstracts published in the proceedings. 

W. E. Cummer (Toronto). Report on a course in dental technology, using a master chart based on the rectilinear coordinate system (30 minutes). 

Fredreick C. Friesel (Pittsburgh). Analysis of state dental-board examinations in the United States, with comparisons of failures of recent graduates (20 minutes). 

F. V. Simonton (San Francisco). Diagnosis of periodontoclasia (10 minutes). 

Frederic S. McKay (New York). Investigation of mottled enamel in an endemic district in Italy (5 minutes). 

Thurlow W. Brand (Pittsburgh). Effects of certain astringents on the oral mucous membranes (5 minutes). 

Beatrice F. Howitt and Willard C. Fleming (San Francisco). Quantitative examination of the mouth flora under different dietary conditions (10 minutes). 

H. Corwin Hinshaw and F. V. Simonton (San Francisco). Amoeba of the mouth in relation to incidence of pyorrhea, clinical symptoms, extend of lesions, and age of patients (10 minutes). 


Frances Krasnow and William J. Gies (New York). Comparatively study of some common media for the cultivation of streptococci (10 minutes). 

Executive session, after the conclusion of the scientific program: 
Third report of the Council. 
Reports of special committees. 
Nomination and election of new members. 


Wednesday: March 28, 1928
Morning. No session; to enable the members to attend the concluding session of the American Association of Dental Schools, where all will be welcome. 

Luncheon (informal): 12-I: 30 o'clock; North Room. Members and guests; ladies included. 

5. Afternoon: 2-5 o'clock; North Room. Presentation of papers as follows:

B. E. Lischer (St. Louis). Gnathophotostatic investigation of the human denture and several dentofacial relations (10 minutes). 

C. A. Kofoid and H. C. Hinshaw (San Francisco). Distribution in situ of Endamoeba gingivalis, and its relation to the filamentous bacteria in calculus (5 minutes). 

Bissell B. Palmer, Jr., and Malcolm W. Carr (New York). Medico-dental case records. VI. Gangrenous stomatitis (noma) in an adult, with fatal termination (5 minutes). 

James M. Inouye and Edgar G. Miller, Jr. (New York). Salivary mucking and some of its oral relationships (10 minutes). 

Thomas Cowling (Toronto). Canadian natural resources and dental materials (5 minutes).

Sam Karlstrom (Sweden) and Edgar G. Miller, Jr. (New York). Factors in the formation of salivary calculus (5 minutes). 

Maxwell Karshan and Joseph Schroff (New York). Composition of some salivary calculi (5 minutes).

Psyche Cattell (Cambridge). The eruption and growth of the permanent teeth (10 minutes). 


Transcription Notes:
unsure about how to put the page numbers