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Houma La
Jan 14, 1963,
Dear Mrs. Blake,
As usual, your letter gave me great pleasure and this time it was of special importance, because I don't have your itinery, and I'm lost when trying to write to you. I asked Doris to send it to me, but it hasn't arrived, as yet. I had it carefully put away, but by mistake a whole box of important records were destroyed.
It seems that my Christmas greeting and enclosure did not reach you, while the one for Mr. Cochran did. Both were sent at the same time, both were carefully weighed. I was heartbroken when I learned that my Christmas plans for you did not work out. The handkerchief I sent you, could never be replaced. I hope it may catch up with you in time. Your Christmas greeting to me came in time, and is still with me. Christmas cards are a big part of Christmas for me, and I enjoy them for months.
The children do not write often. They enjoy hearing from you. I know they had a little New Years Party for their friends, they are having their teeth repaired and are often spending some of their Christmas gift money on the theatre. I have a longing for more news of them, which I know you understand.
I will send you another letter in a few days, so that if one is lost, you will have a chance to get another.