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[[image]] UNITED STATES COAST GUARD logo [[/image]]


Unalaska, Alaska, 

9 November, 1929. 

Dr. L.M. Waugh:, 
"Big City" 

Dear Dr. Waugh: - 

Was very sorry that I did not send you a letter on the last "Vic.", but was too busy getting Dr. McAuliffe off, as he left us here for Juneau. Miss him terribly, as we also miss Dr. Waugh. Had a finger amputation on the day before he left. Everybody, including the Captain, is getting anxious to get home, as we have been out over six months now and the food is running short. Dont think that there has been a picture taken since you left the ship. A Dollar liner and a strong wind almost cleaned the dock out at Dutch Harbor. 
Picked up an old scotch sea captain, 70 years old, off the SS [?] Iskum here, which we are taking back for medical treatment. I wish that you could meet him as he has Trader Horn back in the amateur class and most of this old fellow's tales have been proven true. I am afraid that he is all through, but I hope that you meet him next spring when you are making the NORTHLAND for her 4th cruise. No boquets nor confidences, but everybody aboard, from the Captain on down, wishes that you were still aboard, not as a dentist but as a shipmate. Everybody is interested in the two letters that you sent me. My "temperament ?" has shown a big improvement and I