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Dental Expedition to Alaskan Eskimo - 4

"Yet we ourselves would die if subjected to conditions under which they thrive. Imagine the fate of the new born white baby who has a seal blubber stuck in his mouth in place of a nursing bottle. The Eskimo mother who cannot nurse her baby finds [[strikethrough]] seal oil a perfect [[/strikethrough]] blubber an acceptable   substitute. While too much fat in the formula will kill our offspring, it is just the thing that makes the Northern baby grow up into a husky Eskimo.

"One important part of my Norther expedition will be the gathering of information on diseases, including venereal diseases among these tribes, for the Public Health Service of the Government. 

"Eskimo 'culture is another field into which I shall push my researches. Steffanson [[Stefansson]] made the sweeping assertion that the Eskimo has no written language. This I am prepared to deny. [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]]It is entirely too categoric and for some regions at least, inexact.

"I am taking to Alaska a hymn book, written and printed by the [[strikethrough]] Eskimos [[/strikethrough]] Moravian Missionaries of Labrador in [[strikethrough]] their own [[/strikethrough]] the Eskimo tongue, and [[strikethrough] entrusted to [[/strikethrough]] a written letter given me by Rev. Wald [[strikethrough]] ren [[/strikethrough]]manrr of the Moravian Mission at Hebron. This and other evidences of Eskimo characters and a written Eskimo language have been discovered.

"I intend to show this hymn book & letter to Alaskan aborigines, to find out whether they can read it, and thereby test the statement of Steffansson [[Stefansson]], as applying to Alaska"

Dr. Waugh will take camera equipment as well as dental supplies on the expedition, and will make a complete photographic record of the environment of the Alaskan Eskimo. He will return about the middle of September. 

The results of his study will be published as a Government document under the auspices of the U. S. Coast Guard.