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Mr. Herbert Collins

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The Surgeon General has also invited Admiral Billard of the Coast Guard and asked him to invite all of the Coast Guard officers on duty here. I have personally asked Dr. Hrdlicka and his [[underline]] assistant and [[/underline]] I will have a talk with the Surgeon General tomorrow regarding sending an invitation to some of the more prominent dentists here in the District. I am also asking some of the army and navy dental officers to be on hand. We should therefore, have a fairly good sized crowd.

As I told you before, it is a business meeting and therefore we usually wear our ordinary civilian clothes. Dr. Pierce, assistant surgeon general in charge of the personnel, suggested that if you cared to do so it would be quite nice if you wore your uniform that evening. In case you do this I will also appear in uniform in order that you won't feel lonesome. I think this is a good suggestion.

You will in a few days receive an order requesting you to report to Washington for consultation. This order is being made out in this way so that the Service can more nearly meet your expenses. In this way we can pay actual transportation plus ten dollars a day to cover expenses.

When I was in New York you stated that Mrs. Waugh would probably accompany you. I would appreciate it if you would advise me as soon as possible whether or not she is coming with you and just when you will arrive. I will want to meet you at the station and will want to make reservations at a hotel here for you in advance and Mrs. Messner is planning to help entertain Mrs. Waugh while she is here. If you are coming down on Tuesday we would like for you to go with Mrs. Messner and I to a dance which is being given by one of our Service officers here on Tuesday night.

When you have that picture taken in uniform I hope you will remember to send me one so that I can have it framed and put up in my office.

Looking forward to seeing you next week, I am

Very sincerely yours, 

C. T. Messner.