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701 South Gramarcy Drive

Los Angeles, Calif.
Feb. 10th '30

Dear Dr. Waugh:

It would seem as if should have written you before this and I admit it, but I have had rather a hectic time since returning to L.A. which by the way wasn't until just four days before Christmas, and that reminds me that before I go any further I do want to thank you for your thoughtful message at that time.

Please don't think that I forgot you because I didn't, but in the hurry of getting out our cards, your address was not to be found. Thought it was in my address book but after many days I remembered that it was in the little red diary and that [[strikethrough]]many [[\strikethrough]] frisky thing had temporarily dropped from sight amidst all my trash.

Shortly after the first of the year Mrs. Weber and I decided to take a furnished apartment. We thought it would be easy to find just what we wanted. It was, but the landlords wanted all of my money, and as dentists must, or at least should be fraid, I didn't feel so darned flush. However, after a two