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Capt. James has had a slight attack of the flu, but as I have heard nothing to the contrary, I imagine he is OK. again.

I often think of the past summer. What a very wonderful cruise it was and such a lot of good fellows we had aboard. Everytime I see Mrs. Weber wearing her red fox I think of that early morning in Jim Allens house and how we picked out the furs. I do hope your skins came out (or rather made up) to your satisfaction.

My love or hate proved a beauty and the red that I kept proved a wonder and I have seen nothing finer here. Liebes of San Tran appraised it at two-twenty-five. Not bad do you think? 

It seems as if I have given you what little news there is so won't ask you to wade through any more of this.

I hope that you and all of yours are well and if you can find the time do drop a line to an old shipmate.

I want to know how yours "movies" came out too

E.B. Weber