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Dr. C. C. Messner                      April 9, 1930

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9. Paper napkins for patients would be an economy and great convenience. Laundering is difficult aboard.

10. Paper covers for bracket table would be sanitary and time saving.

11. Developing tank and holder for X Ray films.

12. Tank for hypo.

13. Dark room door should be made light tight. Had to tack a blanket over it last year.

14. Facilities for doing work ashore.
    a. Portable chair
    b. Portable foot engine
    c. Instrument case equipped with all instruments, with the possible exception of forceps, although this would also be a convenience.

15. It is my hope that at least one dozen old army chairs can be taken up and left at the more important settlements. The government teachers will be glad to take charge of them and all want them. The Superintendent of Education at Seattle felt that they would be a fine thing to have and said he would instruct his teachers to give them proper care. Could not about 18 be secured from the Red Cross? I understand they have many in storage with no use for them.

I trust my long list of suggestions will not discourage you. Every item was carefully decided upon while aboard, and every one in my opinion would add to the efficiency of the service.

Very truly yours,

L.M. Waugh

Dental Surgeon (R)