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and I am extremely sorry if it did.  Had we had one of our other officers on board, he naturally would have stayed on board until the boat arrived in the States and then probably would have been detailed to a western station.  If you decide to go this year, I think that I can assure you that we will be able to pay your transportation home, but I do think that if such is the case, you should stay on board as long as possible, as only two months on board, together with the long transportation both ways does run the expense up to a considerable amount.

I can assure you, however, that the Service has appreciated your services, and your trip last year has been quite a help to me in getting my associates here to see more clearly the things which I have tried so long to impress upon them.

I hope that you had a good meeting at Nashville.  I would have liked very much to have attended that meeting and the testimonial dinner given for my old friend, Dr. Oliver.

With kindest regards,

Sincerely yours,

C.T. Messner
Chief of Dental Service.