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Oakland, California,
April 27, 1930.

My dear Dr. Waugh,

Your telegram contained good news - am very glad that you are to be with us again this summer. You should be able to get some excellent additions to your NORTHLAND films if we transport the King Island tribe again this summer, and we certainly will unless we are delayed in some unforeseen manner. As to dental work, I believe that there is a good deal to do at Saint Lawrence - you may recall that most of the men were away when you were at Gambell and the women will not come off with out their menfolk. I plan to go there shortly after the arrival of the VICTORIA in June. Will also go to Cape Prince of Wales and, in addition, we will spend some time off the Teller Mission so that you can clean up that spot. We normally get our best weather in June and early July and we need good weather at Saint Lawrence and at Cape Prince of Wales.

There have been numerous changes on board and Woyciehowsky will be the only one left in the wardroom - Dowler leaves us in a day or two so you will have to break in a new assistant. As usual, I have many applications for passage to and from Barrow but do not know yet just who will comprise our passenger list. Arch deacon Goodman will go with us to Point Hope and will bring a nurse and, if he can secure one, a doctor to start up his hospital. Jim Allen will go from Seattle to Nome and the rest of the way on the PATTERSON. Collins, with a new assistant, will join us at Seattle and probably go to Saint Lawrence in June - I do not think that he will go into the arctic this year.

Am anxious to see your films and glad to hear that you are bringing four reels. Hope to have a boat alongside the VICTORIA for you as soon as she drops anchor off Nome.


E D Jones