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May 3, 1930.

Captain E.D. Jones,
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Northland,
Northwestern Division,
Seattle, Washington.

Dear Captain Jones,

Your good letter fired my enthusiasm for the cruise and I find myself busily ordering things to be taken along. This has been one of the busiest winters of my career and I have found little time to do many things that I wanted to do, among them, having the photo prints made for you and others aboard last year. I shall bring your with me. I hope you can overlook the delay.

I have sent two packages of photo materials, each weighing 15 to 20 pounds Parcel Post Special Delivery. I hope it will be no trouble to have someone store them for me. Mr. Perkins and I had a phone conversation yesterday. He invited me to come to the Base May 10th to show my movies and talk to the men there, which I am very glad to be able to do. I showed them about two weeks ago at the monthly meeting of Tampa Post at the McAlpin Hotel, and they were very kindly received. There seems to be quite an interest in having me work up about five reels on the Norhtland's cruise to be sent on the Coast Guard and Navy circuit. I am keen to do it and have asked for suggestions for additions to my present films and shah devote myself to adding these the coming summer. One thing that I know they are deeply interested in will be to see the [[strike through]] Nashville [[/strike through]] Northland at work in the ice. I presume the way to do it will be to either go shore or in the small boat and take her as she steams along, but you will know best about this. I am coming equipped