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Captain E.D. Jones
May 3, 1930.

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this year with colored movies and stills. The glorious sunsets and the dainty flowers will especially interest me.

Am delighted that we shall be able to do more work for natives of St. Lawrence Island and to call at Cape Prince of Wales and Reindeer Station. With the portable equipment I can work ashore, if weather is good.

Had a telegram from Mr. Collins today regarding a moving-picture outfit for his own use. He leaves next Monday to join you at Seattle and I wish everything were in shape so that I might do likewise. But sixty days aboard will be really all that I can get.time for again this year, Unless there is a ship going down from Nome about August 15th to 20th, I believe I shall have to fly to Fairbanks and hurry home that way. This is all understood by my chief in the Public Health Service.

I shall be sorry not to have Dowler assist me. he was interested and I hoped to have hime help do some of the superficial work for the natives.

The ward room will seem quite changed. I can hardly expect to find as congenial and high-minded a group as last year. I take pleasure in saying every time I talk in public that I have never met a finer, cleaner group of young men.

If there is anything that I may do for you before leaving, please let me know. I shall be eagerly looking for the launch alongside the Victoria at Nome.

Hoping that you may have good weather and a fine cruise in the meantime, I am, with kind regards,

Very truly yours,

L.M. Waugh
Dental Surgeon (R)