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                     May 8-30
Dr Leuman Waugh
New York City
New York

Dear Leuman:-
When I read your article in the current issue of the Cosmos I felt a distinct hunch to do something. I am doing it. I questioned myself as to whys and wherefores and only one reply came to all I asked. It seemed that I wanted only to say hello to you and to express a wish that I might see you.

You see, I am on the shelf now, sitting on the sidelines, a mere on-looker, if you please, the proverbial cat looking at the kings of thought and action as they pass. Needless to say, I have occasional longings to say as individuals [[strikethrough]] pass [[/strikethrough]] go by, "I know that man. I would even dare to speak to him" and in so doing feel the pride folk seem to have when they converse freely, s smilingly with a policeman.

All the articles on orthodontia I read with much interest. Millbury's boyish, unfledged reasonings always allure me. I enjoy the wonderment that always accompany them. I was amused at the impersonal reference by the Illinois Dean to the "San Francisco plan". He would not mention a name. I recalled a gentleman whom I heard refuse to give thanks one morning at breakfast because an untimely frost nipped his over ambitious flowers. He said to his wife who asked him to begin breakfast with the usual formality: "Why should I? My flowers are frozen". Who was God anyway if he should let a frost nip the precious buds! No scientists may be big enough to deserve mention, no discovered fact important enough for quotation if a personal dislike exists. Let us refuse to enter heaven if we dislike the cut of Peter's beard.

What an analyst that man is! He has the best mind in dentistry I feel sure. I always think of a friend of mine whose voice ranges from a low E flat to a high C but whose ambition, whose will to work ranged from 0 minus to zero sub-minus. I recalled lecture hours in orthodontia prefaced with "I dont know what to talk about" and long aimless wanderings gathering mint, anise and cummin as though in the subject there were no weighty matters at all. And again following the same