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Wales, Alaska, May 11, 1930

Dr. L. M. Waugh
576 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y.

My dear Doctor Waugh:

I am enclosing the questionaire [[questionnaire]] you aksed [[asked]] me to fill out. I hope it will reach you in time.

We have had a busy, pleasant year. The teachers are congenial and I am liking the natives better as I get acquainted with them.

I hope you will decide to make the trip this summer on the Northland and that the boat will stop here, as many of the native need dental attention and I would like some too.

Wales is beautiful today. The wind, for a wonder, as not been blowing, the sun has shone all day and the snow brids [[birds]] are singing as they hunt for food.  We have had an unusually good supply of snow this year and some houses show just the chimney and part of the roof above the banks. My two front windows have been covered with snow nearly all winter.

Hoping to meet you again this summer, I am

Sincerely yours,
[[signature]] Ann [[Bonnau?]] [[/signature]]