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May 20, 1930.

Dr. C. C. Messner,
U.S. Public Health Service,
Treasury Department,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Doctor Messner:

Enclosed please find five signed copies of pay vouchers and two copies of power of attorney, which have been filled in at my bank. One additional copy has been retained by the Empire Trust Company, 580 Fifth Avenue, New York City. I hope they are filled in correctly.

In a letter of the 10th instant from the Acting Surgeon General, notifying me of my call to duty May 28th, it is requested that I execute "enclosed from 1041". This was omitted, and I therefore must ask that one be sent to me. The letter also requested that I give " date of departure and arrival". I presume this means from New York to Nome.

As soon as I receivedyyour [[received your]] letter regarding sound movies I got in touch with the Western Electric Company and I went over the matter with them thoroughly as I was very deeply interested. I found however that the smallest apparatus would weigh about 500 pounds and be carried in four trunks. This would be entirely out of the question in the Arctic. They would have too be landed and set up wherever movies were taken. The rough water would make this practically impossible. I am deeply disappointed as one of the things I especially wanted was to have the native dancing, which I hoped to get in conjunction with the wilrd chanting which they do.

I have my complete outfit for natural color movies, also four dozen plates for natural color work.