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U.S. Public Health Service Auditorium,
Constitution Ave. between 19th and 20th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C.
May 3, 1934 — 8:30 p.m.

SUBJECT — "The Normal Variations of the Structures of Interest to the Dental Profession".

ESSAYIST — Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, Curator, Division of Physical Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

DISCUSSORS — Dr. L.M. Waugh President of the American Society of Orthodontists, New York, N.Y. 
Dr. Harry E. Kelsey, Past President of the American Society of Orthodontists, Baltimore, Md. 

The International Association for Dental Research was organized in New York City in 1920 through the leadership of Dr. William J. Gies, in order to promote active research in all branches of dentistry and related phases in the arts and sciences. 

The Association now has organized Divisions in Austria, England, Canada, Czechoslavakia and the United States and scattered members in Germany, Scotland, Hawaii and Uraguay.

Membership is limited to persons who have conducted and published a meritorious original investigation in dental or contributary sciences.

The Washington Section consists of A. B. Crane (Chairman), G.C. Paffenbarger (Secretary), Wilmer Souder (Representative on Council), C.W. Camalier, J.T. Dean, H.E. Harvey, Ales Hrdlicka, Aaron Isaacs, Harry Kaplan, R.A. Keilty, C.T. Messner, W.T. Sweeney, N.O. Taylor and E.R. Stone.

The Journal of Dental Research is the official organ of the Association. It is edited by Dr. William J. Gies, who founded it in 1919. Subscriptions, $5.00  a year, may be forwarded to The Journal of Dental Research, Mt. Royal and Guilford Avenue, Baltimore. Md.

Dr. Hrdlicka's paper will be published in an early number of this Journal.

Transcription Notes:
This is the same as pages 17, 18, and 19