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Dr. L. M. Waugh, 
27 November, 1934. 

Colman Building, Seattle, operates the S.S. TUPPER. The foregoing dates for the TUPPER were obtained from the Santa Ana Steamship Company by telephone. May I suggest that you communicate with that company direct in order to obtain their schedule for the TUPPER. According to your letter you desire to leave New York about 15 June, and according to the schedule given me as mentioned you could arrange to leave Seattle Seattle on the TUPPER sailing 10 August, unless you should desire to go on the first trip of the season. 

Should you find the cost of building a new boat to be prohibitive it might be possible for you to pick up a light draft cabin cruiser through some yacht broker in Seattle. Seattle, as you know, is quite a yachting center and there are many boats of all descriptions to be had in this port--some of them at a real bargain. 

I am looking forwards to seeing you next spring and as I said before I shall be very glad, indeed, to assist you in making your preparations for the trip. In any event I would advise you to come to Seattle at least 10 days prior to leaving time in order to make your final arrangements. Knowing that you personally enjoy an expedition of this kind I wish you and Donald every success. 

With kindest personal regards to you and Mrs. Waugh and family from Mrs. Dempwolf and myself, I remain

Sincerely yours, 

RW Dempwolf (signed)
R. W. Dempwolf, 

Commander, U. S. Coast Guard, 
Commander, Seattle Division. 

P.S. Within a day or so I expect to get names and addresses of additional reputable small boat builders and will send them on to you. 
