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Mr. Carl J. Lomen 
Seattle, Washington 

Dear Mr. Lomen:- 
You, and the members of you family, have been considerably in my mind ever since the fire at Nome. I understand you lost you home but that most, or all, of the warehouses and docks escaped. Captain Jones and I meet often and a review of our experiences in the north are a constant source of interest. He tells me you met at a recent meeting of the Circumnavigators Club. When next in New York, I should very much like to see you. 

I am again planning to continue my Eskimo study. I have conferred with Doctor Hrdlicka of the Smithsonian, and he has convinced me that the Nunivak, Hooper Bay, Nelson Island region and eastward up the Kuskokwim to Bethel is a most promising region. I have had plans drawn for a shallow draft boat suitable for such a cruise of exploration. My son will accompany me and together we can navigate and care for the power plant and boat, but we shall need a good dependable man or two who know local conditions and the Eskimo language to accompany us. The boat will be 26'x9'x14" draft.,powered with a 40 H.P. gas engine giving a speed 12 1/2 knots and an economic cruising speed of 9 to 10 knots. She will have an enclosed cabin and we shall live aboard, cruise the coast and up the rivers as far as practicable, and if found desirable we shall go farther on day trips in a dopey with outboard motor.
I am anxious for information as to where to make our start. I have two places in mind. One is Etolin and the other is Bethel. I expect to take two years to complete the study. If I start at Etolin, I should go to Hooper Bay and work to, perhaps, Nelson Island this year and next year up to Bethel. 

The problem of getting transportation is an important one. I want to leave Seattle about June 20th to 25th and should like you to let me if the S.S. Baldwin leaves about this time and how long she usually takes to reach Etolin. I understand that the S.S. Tupper leaves about May 10th for Bethel and this is entirely too early for us. I know we could go to Seward and Anchorage and fly to Bethel. This would necessitate sending our boat and supplies on S.S. Tupper May 10th. This is quite possible if we decided to make this our base for this year. 
Will you advise me as to: 
(a) Whether you consider Etolin a good base?
(b)Could I get one or two good dependable men to accompany me for about six weeks? 
(c)What would they be likely to charge?
(d)Would it be safe to go from Nunivak to Nelson Island in a boat of this size? She will be strongly built with flat bottom and could safely rest on bottom between tides were we to get caught. 

I shall be most grateful to you for the above information and for any further advise. With best wishes to you, Mrs. Lomen, and all the members of your family, 

LMW.J Yours very truly
Professor of Dentistry 
Director of Orthodontia Clinic
P.S. Economy is the word as I must finance this myself.