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[[Left Page]]
January 4
Expenses ticket for Petersburg
baggage 1.25
cab 75 telegram to N.Y. 48
postage 2+ 10 special 2+2
26 Went to work [[?]] midwives at Waycross Ga. Very good home. Young son age 19 forged telegram for 25.00 Mach. 21 & 35.00 Apr. 11th. Got frightened and failed to return for last order.
Declared he didn't do it. Parents were very nice to me.

[[Right Page]]
January 5
Va. N&I Institute Petersburg Va
Pres. J.M. Gandy Enrol. 600 girls
Lecture 12:00 A.M. daily
Met pres. Miss Whiting Miss Wright of Ga. Mrs. Jones Mr. Florence. Albert Grant & family. Stopped with Mrs. Hatchett. Everything lovely.

Transcription Notes:
c symbol means "with" (how do we type that in this project?)