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1 - Witness @ Y.W.C.A. 17 & K, August 18th/39

The Oxford Group meetings have always fascinated me. There was just something about the group that I wanted & needed.

I can now interpret that something as "The peace that passeth all understanding"

That inner peace.

I had felt that being reared by intelli- Christian parents and [[strikethrough]] has [[strikethrough]] having been in the S.S. and Church from early childhood that I was a finished Christian product. 
But to my great surprise when I decided that I wanted to be changed, I found that my spiritual thinking had just begun. 

[[left margin]] - Background - [[/left margin]]

2. In squaring myself by the four standards 
Absolute honesty
Absolute purity
Absolute unselfishness
Absolute love
I was convicted on each. but found myself.

My greatest blocks were pride and wilfulness I found that I had been secretly fostering pride of family all of my life and had been hiding it under the guise of Indifference

As a child I had always had my own way and friends and family are still allowing me that privilege. Now I'm refusing to be humored. 

By constantly facing myself, feel that I'm getting closer to God and further from self. Thank to the Group

[[left margin]] 2. What I received from Oxford Group [[/left margin]]