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And pray regularly for still more spiritual understanding on that point.
God is the owner and they are held responsible as stewarts or trustees of same
This principle applies to any one of our difficulties - all the ills that flesh is heir to.
If we fail to seek first the Kingdom of God and Right Understanding then the morning will be a blessing in disguise for through it we shall be comforted which means - the experience of the presence of God 

which is the end of all mourning.  

III.  Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.
The two polar words in the text are "meek" and "earth."
They are not used in the sense of the words today so they must be unveiled before the wonderful meaning can be found.
Earth does not this terrestrial globe here. 
It means - manifestation.
Manifestation or expression is the result of a cause.  
A cause has to be manifested or expressed before we know anything about it.  
All causations are [/strikethrough] mental [/strikethrough] mental