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long we all admired it looked so natural.

The Ballantines were over to Winnies Friday & she wanted Addie to stop the car as they went by the house so to let her call on us but it was noon & Addie told her we should be just eating our dinner so they didn't stop & it was better they didn't Gertrude told us she would come over to get me so I could see their house its fixed up very pretty I hear. Miss Seriac is anxious to have us come over to call but says her part is not quite so fixed up  Addie is the one who puts the fancy work on rooms, she doesn't have to work as hard over there they all seem pleased with the change. hope it lasts.

I had a christmas card from Robert Beals. I wonder if he is any happier than he was. too bad his wife treated him so mean. it was a sad coming home from the army to him.    

It looks now as if we were going to have bare ground on xmas, if we do, it will be the first one we have had for ages. last week was a cold week of freezing temperatures, but we were equipped with plenty of coal & oil so managed to keep from freezing. as you say I am glad the coal strike is over. hope we can get some sugar or Saccarine [[saccharine]], we have been lucky so far & so won't complain & things are going down some in prices. hope you have a happy xmas with Doris there to enjoy it with you. love Ma