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I am glad for it would have affected the gas & then you would have been cut off from your store.

She is going down town to carry in our books to the library this afternoon & will ride down & back with the Trollops. Winnie is very good to carry them down. Young Edith is expecting her baby this month she thinks next Friday. Shame it dont turn out to be a Mongolian. She is still living over here with her mother & father & is a source of great trouble they say, Richard has a good disposition & knows more than people think he does, too bad he looks as he does. Did you know that Dr Ewing is very bad with a cancer in his throat liable to pass away at any time we hear.

I am writing in a hurry so the post man may take it when he comes, otherwise she can mail it when she goes down with Winnie. hope you are not freezing down these these days will will put this letter out
love Ma