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Stoughton November 20th 1946

Dear Doris

This is an ideal day, there was a light snow sometime during the night which early this morning. I could hardly distinguish it from a heavy frost. which soon disappeared when the sun came up. before I was up this morning Kemptis came & nocked [[knocked]] on the door. Mrs Barry called up their house yesterday to see when he was coming to work over to the old place & told by his wife, he wasn't there, it was time to do the work over there before it was snowey [[snowy]] weather. so we went over there & gave him the slip of paper you left telling him what you wanted done & also the key to the barn. the Drakes you see had both gone to work, so he had no way then of getting into the house but after they find out he is there at work, they will find a way of his getting in & working where its needed the most. he had torn down the roof to the shed, when we went over there around ten O'clock. & it looked very much better I am glad he is doing the work there at last for its very much needed. too bad it had been put off so long.

The man came here around three O'clock & fixed our electric light. so now it does some good he said it was caused from a broken wire & the wiring