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at the last minute even left her underclothes wet in the bath bowl that she took off. I took them & put them out on the line & then mended them Monday. after they dried. she will get used to things after a while but now she is not dependable. you have always stood at her side to tell her what to do so will have to get used to it.

Laura called up yesterday to tell us that if we wanted any eggs, she could bring us down a doz when she came to church for 55. they are killing off some of their hens on account of the scarcity of grain.

It has just commenced to rain. the clouds were red in the east, a sure sign of rain & the leaves are blowing through the yard. we have just had our Sunday dinner a pot roast with mashed potatoes and squash with a custard for desert. she has listned [[listened]] to a good serman [[sermon]] from Mr Bradner for once in a while he out does himself.
The fuse in the Kitchen electric blew out & we cant [[can't]] turn on the light so we have to depend on the one little light by the sink. she has spoken to Ralph about to come up at his first spare time to fix it. its impossible to get hold of Dykeman to do anything he is too busy Ralph is an electrician. theres [[there's]] always something that always giving out here. I guess Doris will be out for Thanksgiving I am not sure whether we shall have a turkey it depends on the price. they may be too dear well this is a funny time & we haven't starved yet. love Ma