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also had a supper. Dr Ewing is very bad cancer of the lungs. one lung is gone + the other parschially gone. he is just breathing. he may be gone anytime. his wife had cancer of the breast years ago, but was all right after her operation. wasn't the moon bright last night it lasted till most morning.
The Ballantines still come over to the house to do their washing. so the family who have bought it, are staying down to their summer home all winter. they have a family of little children all under five years of age. (something to look forward to.) I am sorry their house was ever built it spoils the view of this place.
Doris is expected out this week end she seems happily situated + getting along all right, of course you both miss her but will soon get used to it. she saw to the setting out of the trees + seemed happy to work out side 
love from Ma