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flocks in back of the house & it looks better.  Doris has just come down from up stairs & is taking her clothes off the line they are most all dry.  she showed me some of those last pictures you took when you were to the shore with Dolores & that Sophia she also read your letters to me you had sent, since she was here.  tomorrow is a holiday so my Sunday letter wont go tomorrow.  it will be a bit late.

The Bruce boy told Doris this forenoon to tell me he would be over Monday & put on my outside door & take off the screen door.  I guess well he might.  they are getting their rent mighty cheap.  the two families.  The Ballantines are in love with their new place & say they wouldn't come back for anything they think the one who bought their house may stay down to Florida all winter &  then this house will be empty it looks lonesome at night.  Addie comes over to do her washing.  so they must have some of their goods still here.

love Ma