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Stoughton Oct 30th 1946

Dear Doris

I am going to scratch off a few lines this morning for you to read theres not much to write about.

Doris came out the last week end & brought me a book "White Oaks Harvest" I have read the most of it very interesting its the hardest to get used to so many of the caracters.  she will mot come out this week end I believe.  Mrs. Barry got up early & went to see her dentist we had an early breakfast.  now I am going to wash out a few clothes as its a sunny warm day she is coming home early.

I had company yesterday afternoon Myrtie came with her two daughters Mildred & Elsie & a son of Mildreds.  Elsie hadnt been home here since she went up to Vermont to live.  she is very thin & looks so much like her