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Sloughton Oct 25th 1946
Dear Doris. We are having sunny days but not very cool. 58 degrees easily this morning. a nice time to ride off to admire the foliage and hope you get time I am glad you are taking it easier as your summer vacation was too hard for you to enjoy. I dont think you left those pictures you speak of here. you may run [[across]] them among your things later. 

I am wearing the brown sweater every day you sent up its very warm I mended it as the sleeves were very bad and I cut off one of the cuffs half way and raveled it so out for the mending yarn as I didnt have any yarn of that color. have you heard of Amy since the [[hurricane]] yet? I hope it didnt reach her. you spoke of Helen Metcalf and Morris getting away her money. well he is doing the same thing now with Hattie Tucker he is an old "scounral".